Conan Went To College With The Real Andy Bernard (Feat. Ed Helms) | Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend

Conan talks about his connection to the real life Andy Bernard, who is the total opposite of the character Ed portrayed on “The Office.“ Hear more from this episode @ Subscribe to watch more Team Coco videos Listen to the Full Podcast FOLLOW TEAM COCO PODCASTS ON SOCIAL Conan O’Brien on Twitter Team Coco Podcasts on Instagram FOLLOW TEAM COCO ON SOCIAL Team Coco on Facebook Team Coco on Twitter Team Coco on Instagram ABOUT CONAN O’BRIEN NEEDS A FRIEND Deeper, unboundedly playful, and free from FCC regulations, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend is a weekly opportunity for Conan to hang out with the people he enjoys most and perha
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