Busted (Phineas and Ferb) 【Live Action Cover By Rachel Tail】

Click [CC] for lyrics. Hi, my name’s Rachel, and I’m a classical singer/former Irish dancer with an interest in languages (I’m studying Mandarin Chinese), history and world cultures, and this is my cover of “Busted“ from voice of a generation: Phineas and Ferb. Hey, y’all! I’ve been obsessed with Phineas and Ferb ever since it first came out. I have so many of the songs from the show memorized–a talent which simultaneously impresses and terrifies my friends and family. Honestly it’s shocking that I haven’t done a Phineas and Ferb cover before this. It was kinda a dream to sorta cosplay punk queen Vanessa Doofensmirtz (“It’s goth, Dad, not Visigoth. And they’re punks, not goths.“) I didn’t have a red tank top for Candace, but I figured pink was close enough, and my sibling was kind enough to let me borrow their tennis skirt. I shot this all in one afternoon which is why the lighting varies dramatically between shots lol. By the way, happy
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