
This video shows you how to pronounce erstreben in German , pronounce and pronunciation how-to guide. Watch and learn how to say this word rightly with my channel, how to pronounce erstreben free pronunciation videos. What does this erstreben mean ? Words’ meaning, dictionary description, information, explanation. seek, strive for, aspire, aim, strive after 1 .EN Jupiter Conjunct Descendant From 8 March 2011 until 27 March 2011: During this period you seek(erstreben) to grow in various ways through your closest contacts with other people. 1 .DE Jupiter Konjunktion Deszendent Vom 8. März 2011 bis zum 27. März 2011: Während dieser Zeit erstreben(seek) Sie inneres Wachstum durch Ihre engsten menschlichen Kontakte. 2 .EN The Agreement also provides Commerce with the confidence that its investors seek(erstreben) that there is support from the Simpcw First Nation as the company advances the Blue River project. 2 .DE Das Übereinkommen gibt Commerce ebenfalls d
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