Macha Gharibian l Sari Siroun Yar Live

“For her third ambitious album with a Coltranian title, Joy Ascension, Macha Gharibian assumes her posture as a pianist, singer, author, composer, arranger, producer and leader. Around her, two colorists who handle notes like gouache, drummer Dré Pallemaerts and double bassist Chris Jennings, plus two guests, Bert Joris who draws with his trumpet cool dazzling à la Chet on the aerial ballad The Woman I Am Longing To Be and Artyom Minasyan who reinforces with his doudouk the hypnotic Sari Siroun Yar. The volcanic voice of Macha Gharibian brings her into the family of solar and inhabited vocalists, this very closed club which goes from Nina Simone to Mélissa Laveaux.“ “Pour son troisième album ambitieux au titre coltranien, Joy Ascension, Macha Gharibian assume sa posture de pianiste, chanteuse, auteure, compositrice, arrangeuse, réalisatrice et leader. Autour d’elle, deux coloristes qui manient les notes comme de la gouache, le batteur Dré Pallemaerts et le c
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