The Negumak and the Galactic Federation of Worlds

he Negumak or the Gnomopo are a species from the star system Antares in the Scorpio constellation (1, ). They are described in Elena Danaan’s book ‘A Gift from the Stars‘ as ‘one of the oldest known races in existence, and the predators that you don’t want to cross on your path‘. Their genetic composition, to the knowledge of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (2), is neither repile, grey or anything else living in this galaxy. Negumak Gnomopo are unique. They are androgynous (3) and reproduce by laying eggs. The Negumak are also mentioned in the (now not so) secret Russian Book of Alien Races (4). Image of the Negumak by Elena Danaan from ’A Gift from the Stars’ (2020) The original article can be found on: I recommend Elena Danaan’s youtube channel (@ElenaDanaanand) and website ()
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