Revamping Osana’s Befriend Elimination - Yandere Simulator

Ever since the initial release of the demo, befriend had always been one of my favourite eliminations. After a while, though, I started to notice certain aspects that I disliked or felt was lack-luster. To know the specific changes and my thought process behind them, you can read below. -Too Many Events I feel as though Osana has far too many events on Monday. After around 7:30am, it’s almost impossible to eliminate Osana, since she is in an event. This isn’t an issue with Amai’s test week. And so, I would like to limit the amount of scripted events Osana has during school hours. I removed the rooftop event with Raibaru and went with an event that happens in the town (time doesn’t pass in the town and violence is prohibited). Events happening outside the school, where violence isn’t allowed, means the player no longer has to plan their murders around Osana’s events at school. -Storyline I really liked the storyline for Osana’s befriend elimination, yet, found it was a little lack-luster. It is never specif
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