[ENG sub] Золотой город ДЖАЙСАЛМЕР, Индия || Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India

The golden city of India, Jaisalmer, is located in the very west of Rajasthan, in the Thar desert.       Jaisalmer is called the Golden City, as houses built from a local variety of yellow sandstone shine with gold in the evening light.      The fortress is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as part of the Rajasthan Forts group.     A week is not enough to go around all the temples and admire all the sights of the city of Jaisalmer. But having been here, you will forever keep in your heart this beauty and magnificent stories. ДЕЛИ, ЧТО ПОСМОТРЕТЬ ТУРИСТУ - ТАДЖ МАХАЛ. Вечная история любви, которая тронет вас до глубины души/ Индия - КРАСНЫЙ ФОРТ АГРЫ. ИНДИЯ - ГОРОД ХАЙДАРАБАД ЖЕМЧУЖИНА ИНДИИ - КОЧИ, полный обзор. Керала. Индия - КЕРАЛА, ИНДИЯ - Лакшадвипские острова -
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