Ford GT Heritage Edition — Jay Leno Shows Donald Osborne Why He Loves This Racecar for the Road

It’s won at LeMans, and you can drive it on the street… essentially. The racing DNA of the GT is strong, and it’s not lost among the slight changes Ford had to make for it to be street legal. Most importantly, despite being down two cylinders from it’s predecessor, this EcoBoost V6 powered machine still screams like an American Bald Eagle. Happy 4th of July! ABOUT THE CHANNEL: Founded in 2014 in Newport, Rhode Island with a mission of “Preserving, Celebrating & Sharing Automotive History,“ the Audrain Automobile Museum connects and engages our local and international communities to educate, enlighten and entertain with a calendar of exhibitions, programs, and car events, including the Audrain Newport Concours & Motor Week. The Audrain Museum Network continues this mission by producing quality digital programs to share unique conversations, information, history from all corners of the automotive world. Still haven’t subscribed to the Audrain Museum Network o
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