Shaolin Qi Gong 🙆🏻‍♂️ 20 Minute Daily Morning Routine 🙆🏻‍♀️

For the full training experience, please have a look at the latest project of the Shaolin Temple Europe: ➡ 💮 💮 is the Official Online Training Platform from the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺. Ba Duan Jin · 八段锦 · 8 Brocade ❗️ Read the description first ❗️by Shi Heng Yi. ➡️ Instructions on the practice: What to do? / How to practice? ➡️ Copy the movements! In each final position use any type of power to tense the body and make the posture become strong. It’s no problem to use muscle power in the beginning! ➡️ Stay in each posture and slowly deep breath! (Full inhalation - Full exhalation) Minimum should be around 4 breathing cycles (any number above is perfectly fine). ➡️ Try to keep the power / strength in each posture steady, regardless of in- or exhalation. Keep Focus a
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