Velimir Ponoš (short summary): “This is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Literally. And on medical fascism at the time. Hitler declared the Jews unclean, for an unclean race. He then accused them of spreading communicable diseases, that they would be blamed for epidemics, for ruining public health and the economy. Now, in the text above, replace the Jews with the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated have been blamed for the fourth wave, they will be blamed for overburdened public health, they are blamed for the collapse of the economy and tourism. And all those who dare to ask questions. The current medical discrimination in Croatia and across Europe is reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. What is happening is not a health issue. If it were, we would have discussions, not censorship, we would not have concealment of data but placement of it. This is not a medical issue, this is a political project of enslaving the population.“ 🙈🙈
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