基本功 BASIC Five angles and essential Concepts

Five angles of attack, the live hand, protecting the arterial areas of the body, essential techniques that defend and attack at the same time, rebounding... these are all basic concepts that are essential to understand. The substantial difference between sword and saber is also shown. Footage taken from a Tiandihe school seminar. IT Cinque angoli di attacco, la mano viva, proteggere le aree arteriose del corpo, tecniche essenziali che difendano ed attacchino contemporaneamente, il rimbalzo... sono tutti concetti base indispensabili da comprendere. Viene anche mostrata la sostanziale differenza fra spada e sciabola. Riprese tratte da un seminario della scuola Tiandihe. Playlist on Basic and Concepts Playlist on Traditional Weapons Playlist on Sword Playlist on Saber MY CONTACTS Complete footage on PATREON
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