This is the detailed Stage by Stage 1.5 year/550 Days growth video of Red Dragon Flowerhorn in just 2 Minutes from a small baby to a Huge Hump Beast. If you liked the Health and overall look of my Flowerhorn here are some things that I do There are three main things that has to be taken care in order to Groom your Flowerhorn well Water Quality:- Always do regular water changes. (Atleast once Every Week) the more the better. While changing water always take care of the water parameters and water temperature try not to fluctuate it too much. If you use RO water than do add re-mineraliser. Food:- Feed your fish premium Quality food. Feed less feeds several times in a day. NEVER overfeed your flowerhorn. Interaction:- Spend time with your fish daily. As per my experience this helps to keep your fish stimulated which do affect your fish positively which will reflect in its overall looks as well. Thank You For Watching. #flowerhorn #flowerhorn_fish #flowerhorn_red_dragon #flowerhorn_grooming
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