废品站收购的废弃台钻,老鼠都在里面打窝Abandoned bench drill acquired by the junkyard | 林果儿

老表收到一个台钻,送给我考验我的技术,电机都进水泡过了,我花了两天,修旧如新。 The old watch received a bench drill and gave it to me to test my skills. The motor was soaked in water. It took me two days to repair the old as new. 喜欢果儿视频的欢迎订阅YouTube【林果儿】→ 大家好,我是林果儿 从小有个世外桃源梦, 在这里亲手打造自己的世界! 你们看到我头上的疤吗? 小时&
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