Shemesh und der Weiße Stein

Quite amazing... one of the greatest secrets in Revelation revealed and just 58 views by - After this very friendly invitation to Executive Director of the ICEJ Dr. Jürgen Bühler as a brother, he rejected the invitation to make peace with Ulf concerning Ephraim. And I really became afraid.. On the mentioned Jogi’s theological position for Empowerment21 believers was set and celebrated in Jerusalem on a rare Feast alignment Shavuot and Pentecost. Myself on the other hand, went to the mentioned seat of satan and the Holocaust memorial in Berlin center to blow the Shofar and to declare Ephraim officially as a legal entity, protected by German GG Art. 4, 9, and 140, bound to my person. As the mentioned domain in the video is not working anymore, I took the video offline. As the Case Ephraim escalates, I will bring this video back online to have it as a testimony on my page.
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