Corsican Holiday Reel 1 (1950-1959)

Travelogue. Reel 1. A Faro Films presentation. A woman looks at a photograph album. “Introducing Sylvia Chapman and Jean Luciani“. Photographed by George Stretton. Assistant Cameraman: Paddy Aherne. Edited by: Anne Barker. Location Adviser: Dorothy Carrington. Music Composed and Written by: Peppo Flori, Paoli, Montrofet, Raineri, Bonelli and Donzella. Guitarists: Antoine Bonelli, Jo Santiago, Polo Quilici and Pierre Borel. Vocalists: Dominique Silvy and Pascal Marcelli. Narrated by Jill Bennett. Written and Directed by Douglas Rankin. A woman arrives in Corsica for a holiday on her own. She walks along with her suitcase. She has a look around Ajaccio, speaking to fishermen and watching one mend his nets. She feels a bit lonely as the ship which had brought her to the island sails away. She walks through the small streets. Statue of Napoleon. She walks by the sea and looks out at the view. She wanders through the market place. She sits at an outside cafe. A man raises his glass to her
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