Here are a few of the tricks that are included in the Magic set “Fabuloso Magus“. Disappearance, transformation, illusion, and prediction. Incredible Magus is a complete set of magic tricks to become the greatest magician, from 6 years old. Kit was created to perform 20 magic tricks. Material developed by professional magicians and imagined by Djeco. Develops dexterity, logic, public speaking, and self-confidence.
LV Daži no trikiem, kuru apguve iespējama ar maģijas komplektu “Fabuloso Magus“ - burvju triku komplekts 20 triku apguvei un jautrām burvju izrādēm. Ar šo piederumu komplektu varēsi likt pazust priekšmetiem, redzēt cauri kārtīm un pārsteigt draugus ar vēl neskaitāmiem brīnumiem!