British Paratroops Raid France (1942)

Titles read: “BRITISH PARATROOPS RAID FRANCE“. Le Havre, France. L/S of 5 British warships at sea. Various shots show the preparations for a raid on a Nazi radio location post near Le Havre by the British navy, infantry, air force and paratroops. On board ships we see men sorting explosive shells, a life belt is put on a dog (cat has to do without), men are lowered to the sea in landing craft. Commentator explains that the raid took place at night so the cameraman stayed on board. M/Ss of men jumping from landing craft onto a beach - probably an exercise. Several shots of paratroops on an exercise, boarding planes and jumping out. Nice shots of the men drifting to the ground with their parachutes open. The soldiers land and are seen gathering their parachutes and running across fields. Cut to real footage of the landing craft returning from the successful raid. Men on the warships wave to their comrades. A wounded man is brought on board by RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) men using a nov
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