ANTEOSAURUS BREATHING | Shot animation test

In general, I did it more for myself, and spent no more than an hour on it. So there are a lot of things that need to be tweaked. Anteosaurus (meaning “Antaeus reptile”) is an extinct genus of large carnivorous synapsids. It lived during the Capitanian age of the Guadalupian epoch (266–260 million years ago) in what is now South Africa. Like the well-known Moschops, they were dinocephalians, a clade of large-bodied therapsids that flourished from 270 to 260 million years ago and then went extinct without descendants. Paleontologists once surmised that Anteosaurus hunted rather like crocodiles, pulling land animals into the water. In particular, scientists pointed to the animal’s strong tail and supposedly weak, sprawling legs as proof of this lifestyle, but in 2021 new examinations of its brain suggest it was largely terrestrial, with highly advanced senses of vision, balance and coordination. It was also very fast and would have been able to outrun competitors and prey alike thanks to its advanced
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