「LiangNong Cake丨梁弄大糕」4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨复刻这道传承百年的江南风味糕点,出Ž

Let’s copy this hundreds years old pastry. Will the final dish be a surprise or not? LiangNong Cake(rice cake with red bean paste) A square rice cake To show more simple tastes needs more elaborate craft Kneading glutinous rice flour and Japonica rice flour together To add a pliable taste in rice’s original delicate taste Printing auspicious blessing On the snow-like cake In blessing, there is luscious red bean filling Wish your life seems like Liangnong Cake, sweet and prosperous! 梁弄大糕 四四方方的一块糕 越是简单的材料,越考验手艺和味道 糯米粉和粳米粉的糅合 口感细腻,又多了一份软韧 白如皑雪的糕底
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