【艾尔登法环Elden Ring】世界第一用嘴通关艾尔登法环!Clear Elden Ring with only MOUTH!

原链接: 他叫朱铭骏,曾经是一名中国消防员。在一次救援行动中受重伤,经过手术后高位截瘫,仅脖子以上可以自由活动。目前职业是心理咨询师兼bilibili up主。这是他通关埃尔登法环后部分boss的对战实录。操作都是通过嘴部吹气,吸气,移动来完成的。 His name is Mingjun Zhu, and he used to be a Chinese firefighter. He was seriously injured in a rescue operation. After surgery, he was paraplegic and could only move freely above his neck. His current occupation is a psychologist and a bilibili up (similar to YouTuber). This is the record of some boss battles during the procedure of beating Elden Ring. The whole process is operated ONLY by blowing, inhaling, and moving through the mouth.
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