In this video, massage therapist Olga is performing an intensive anticellulite massage on her friend Alena’s legs and buttocks. The massage incorporates techniques from both Creole and Hawaiian massage, including the use of bamboo sticks. Throughout the video, viewers can hear soothing ASMR sounds that help to create a relaxing and immersive atmosphere. As Olga begins the massage, she carefully applies oil to Alena’s skin, using long, flowing strokes to help warm up the muscles and prepare them for deeper work. She then begins to incorporate the bamboo sticks, using them to gently knead and roll the skin in a way that helps to break up cellulite and increase blood flow to the area. Throughout the massage, Olga is careful to check in with Alena, making sure that the pressure is appropriate and that she is comfortable at all times. She also explains the various techniques she is using, helping viewers to understand the benefits of each movement and how they can be applied in their own mass
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