Traditional Ukrainian dishes in the village. Sausages and saltisone a wood-fired oven

Hello, my name is Alina, I live in Ukraine and I love to cook. This time, I will show you how we prepare meat in the village. Homemade sausage and saltisone are real delicacies for me. Plus, we cook it in a wood-fired oven! You will need a little time to prepare these meat dishes, but the result is worth it! Saltisone recipe: - Chop the pig’s head into pieces, leave it for several days in very salty water, then wash it and boil it until ready. - separate the edible parts. Cut the meat into pieces, pass the veins, skin and fat through a meat grinder. - mix everything, add mustard seeds, garlic, pepper, salt, ground bay leaf (raw meat if desired) - fill the cleaned pork stomach with this mass, bake for about 2 hours. - leave under the press until completely cool. Homemade sausage recipe: - add garlic, mustard seeds, pepper, ground bay leaf, salt to the minced meat - fill the shell with meat. - add water to the pan so that the sausage does not burn, pierce it
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