The Psychology of Humour - Exploring the Theories Behind our Laughter
Welcome to our channel! Today, we’re going to be exploring the fascinating world of humor psychology, and some of the theories that have been proposed to explain why we find things funny. We’ll be discussing the superiority theory, the relief theory, and the social bonding theory, as well as the ideas of philosophers like Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and Kant. Join us as we delve into the cognitive, philosophical, and physiological aspects of humor!
Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik at 00:38
Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik at 00:43
Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik at 1:00
humor psychology, theories, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Kant, superiority theory, relief theory, social bonding theory, cognitive, philosophical, physiological, humor, laughter, jokes, satire, cartoons, parodies, incongruity, absurdity, tension, reason, imagination, stress, anxiety, immune function, social bonding, connection, conventional wisdom, challenging ideas, political figure, political discourse, popular song, stand-up comedian, movie, deadline, pressure, consequences, negative focus, positive light, relax, reframe, violate expectations, challenge beliefs, perception, pleasure, empty-headedness, well-ordered society, defend against accusers, contradictions, Nicomachean Ethics, Critique of Judgment, physical benefits, psychological benefits, increased social bonding, share a laugh, feel closer, improve relationships, difficult emotions, laugh at ourselves, arise from fear, embarrassment, awkwardness, self-deprecating humor, lighten the mood, emotions, humor styles, aggressive, affiliative, self-enhancing, self-defeating, humor styles questionnaire, humor styles theory, different styles, different outcomes, benefits and drawbacks, different contexts, sense of humor, inborn, culturally learned, different cultures, sense of humor styles, sense of humor and relationships, compatibility, communication, conflict resolution, sense of humor and mental health, coping mechanism, stress-reducing effects, depression, anxiety, sense of humor and physical health, reduce pain, boost immune system, lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, laughter therapy, humor and resilience, adapt to challenges, maintain positive outlook, improve overall well-being.
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