Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the main components of air pollutants.

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the main components of air pollutants. SO2 and smoke removal technology is relatively mature and has been widely used. SO2 and smoke have been effectively controlled. Attention to NOx is relatively late. At present, the large amount of NOx emissions directly leads to environmental pollution. In my country, 70% of nitrogen oxide emissions come from the combustion of coal. Power plants are large coal users. How to effectively control NOx emissions has become the focus of attention in my country and even in the world. At present, in the field of NOx control technology, selective catalytic reduction has been widely used due to its high reliability, no by-products, simple system and other advantages. #scrcatalyst #catalyst#Engineering #Filtration #PelletizingPlant #Metallurgicalindustry #AirPollutionControl #CleanAir #Innovation #decarbonisation #fluegastreatment
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