Juking drill

An excellent movement drill for #hema, #sca, or any #historicalfencing. When defending (or counteroffending), you MUST move to gain extra time. One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is to freeze and “block“; they then get hit with a remise or reprise. This drill gets you moving while repositioning for the strongest possible defense (to your inside). Step 1: Movement pattern. Set up on a line. Advance to your outside, retreat back to your line, triangle step to your inside, retreat back to your line. Be sure to push from your center with advances/retreats and rotate around that center with your hips when doing the triangle step. Step 2: Do the movement pattern, but throw a ball back and forth. This trains you do do something with your hands while moving your feet. Step 3: Now, use a stick or sword to give your partner a reason to move. The strike goes from the joint of their shoulder and neck to their hip; if they don’t move, they get hit. Eliminate the steps back; you make one blow from one side, then two from the other, two, two, etc. Step 4: Strike to either side randomly while your partner dodges. The next step is to review the circle drills, and then make the steps while smoothly parrying and riposting as the partner “feeds“ you continual attacks. Check out our website for more vids, how-to books, etc.!
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