Pull out type forging descaling machine for automation hot forging production #surfacetreatment

Pull out type forging descaling machine for automation hot forging production #surfacetreatment We manufacturer different types of forging descaling machines which is mainly for hot forging production such as automotive parts, auto gears, hand tools and other forging parts. Forging descaling machine is usually suggested to be used after induction heating machine to clean forge scale which is generated after induction heating process. So the scales will not be pressed into forgings inside after entering hydraulic forging press. We offer different descaling machines types with different technical details to meet different customers needs. Get your industrial equipment ready for the new year with our Forging Descaling Machine! Take advantage of our big Christmas promotion with prices starting from USD5000. Choose between single pump and double pump descaling machines, both available with customization options to fit your specific technical details. VIsit us for more descaling solutions:
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