It took 12 years to cultivate a pot of dry face bonsai乾いた顔の盆栽の鍋を栽培するのに12年かかりました花12ñ

In addition to whether the winter flower viewing can have a better form of expression, I tried to play with a pot of winter bonsai, and I have some production experience in the cultivation process for more than ten years. 冬の花の鑑賞も表現の良さを表現できるかどうかに加えて、冬の冬の盆栽の鍋で遊んでみたところ、10年以上の栽培経験があります。 臘梅除了冬季賞花能否在造型上也有更好的表現形式,我嘗試玩了一盆臘梅枯面盆景,在十&
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