HOLY NECK CRUNCH + CRAZY STOMACH GURGLES = ASMR Tingles ~ Cracks & Relax w/ Chiropractic 47 MediSins

Quantum Entanglement There are no coincidences in life. It’s 11pm and I’m 38 years old. The need to cite authors and scientific studies is way long gone I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve read the science. I’ve read the criticism of the science. I’ve read the criticism of the criticism. On every level... there is BS Just walk outside and lookup Are you kidding me? We’re on a lava-filled rock with an oxygen bubble helmet flying through outer space And it’s so big and so vast and is happening so fast... that when this rocket ship ride shifts a few degrees on its axis we get “a season“ SERIOUSLY? This ginormous rock “wobbles“ and all of the sudden “the leaves fall off the trees“ Why do veins on leaves look like tributaries flowing into rivers which look like lightning from the sky which look like veins in my eye? Is broccoli just a m
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