生命禅院创建的九处世外桃源 Lifechanyuan Established Nine Xanadus--New Oasis for Life (The Second Home)

Lifechanyuan University | 生命禅院大学: Lifechanyuan International Family | 生命禅院国际大家庭: Lifechanyuan: New Oasis for Life: A Great Tribulation is happening in the next decade! An unprecedented golden paradisiacal era is coming! Be free from the worries of survival; even life and death. Be free from the bondage of marriage and precepts; in the Xanadu, everything will be peaceful and harmonious. Enjoy your favorite job without being managed or supervised and share all our resources. Daily supplies will be abundant, everyone will have pure and beautiful souls, and people will love each other as relatives in a family. Enjoy affectionate and romantic love by following your predestined relations. Lead a pure and free life in which close friends and relatives joi
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