An Iraqi Constitution for Ossama Bin Laden? By Prof. M. S. Megalommatis (2005)

The Americans should know that only Punishment would guarantee a really free and democratic country. And punishment is not proper punishment if applied only to Mr. Saddam Hussein! This sort of ’punishment’ will punish only America! This policy is idiotic, mean, miserable, and provocatively unjust. In the same way the Nazi regime was dismantled, and Nazi criminals have been sought here and there for decades, the entire group on which Saddam founded his murderous ethnic tyranny must be punished severely. What truly happened in Iraq for decades prior to the US-led intervention was as follows: almost the entire Sunni population had manned the totalitarian state of ’Iraq’, energetically implementing Saddam Hussein’s sectarian and tribal decisions. So, almost all the Sunnis will have to pay now for this. First published in Buzzle: 24 August 2005 Republished:
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