UTS Anime Review: Bakemonogatari

Today, under the scope, I take a look at Bakemonogatari, the first of many series in this acclaimed franchise. All I have to say is Hanekawa best girl. Be sure to watch until the very end for a hint at next week’s review! If you’re feeling particularly generous and want to help me make better content, here’s a link to my Patreon Page: Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video and feel free to follow me on Twitter (@UTSreviews). Thanks! I use two rating scales for each review. First is the approval rating. A show will receive one of five approval ratings based on my recommendation. They are BEST OF THE BEST (for shows I find to be masterpieces), WATCH (for shows I find really really good and recommend to everybody), TRY (for shows I find good but not great and will only recommend to some people), PASS (for shows I did not particularly enjoy and would not personally recommend), and finally BURN (for the shows that are so awful
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