A Bizarre Freeware Program
For the 64K ZX/TS with 8K SRAM
By Fred Nachbaur
This is something of an afterthough. It lets you do 3-
dimensional Mandelbrot set plots, as well as the usual 2-D
ones we have all grown to know and love. (“Mu-map“ was
Benoit Mandelbrots original term for what was later named
the “Mandelbrot Set“ in his honour.) You can even do
composites of Mu-maps and Scope maps, for even more
realistic-looking ’scapes!
There is good reason why [M]umap appears before [S]cope in
the Map menu. This is that creating a Mu-map over-writes
the map array. Scope maps, on the other hand, are additive.
In other words, you can do a Scope-scape using one set of
parameters, then do another without first [C]learing the
old map. The new map will simply be algebraically added to
the old map. You can use this, for example, to make some
rolling hills and valleys (high Z), then add sharper peaks
and dips (low Z). The process can be continued ad
infinitum, or until you mess up the map by overflowing 16-
bit arithmetic.