7-13-2019 Myrtle Grove, La Levee with two large gaps, many homes flooded, levee damage, Hwy 26 drone
Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license.
Plaquemines Parish along HWY 26, Hurricane Barry caused numerous levee overtops. One area had two large gaps in the levee wall which allowed water to flood nearby buildings.
The earthen levees were overtopped flooding a very large number of homes and the levees also sustained damage.
Hwy 26 is has water going over both lanes. State, Parish and The National Guard are placing large sandbags along the da
4 years ago 00:03:53 1
Brick + Mortar “Brighter Than The Sun“
6 years ago 00:06:49 2
7-13-2019 Myrtle Grove, La Levee with two large gaps, many homes flooded, levee damage, Hwy 26 drone
6 years ago 00:03:36 1
7-13-2019 Myrtle Grove, La Major levee overtopping from Hurricane Barry, HWY 23 to be closed drone