Rough Riding ’down Under’ (1948)

Festivities and a parade are held in Moree. The occasion is one of the biggest rodeo tournaments in “down under“. Full title reads: “ROUGH RIDING ’DOWN UNDER’“. Moree, New South Wales, Australia. Long shot of the girls marching in Rodeo parade at Moree, Australia. Long shot of floats in procession. Close up shot of a girl in swimsuit on float, pan with girl. Close up shot of another beauty in swimsuit, sitting on bonnet of a car, pan with girl. Pan with boys on ’rickety old zombie car’. Several shots of Rodeo. Horse bucking. Unseats rider. Pan, horse gallops straight out and unseats rider. Pan, bull charging round arena, ridden on hand. Rider stays on. Slow motion, bucking horse fails to unseat rider. Bucking horse successfully ridden with one hand. Close up shot of cheering cowboys. Bucking horse, rider unseated. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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