Igor EVARD - Marbella (composer I. Evard, poems by )
The song, despite the fact that it was written by Russian authors (composer I. Evard, poems by ), is full of Spanish charm, charm and color. This is an elegant, stylish pop miniature, and a bright, spectacular scene from Zarzuela. Here the perception will be dictated solely by the mood of the music lover. The clip (directed by I. Evard) is a true love story, a holiday romance in miniature. In the frame him (I. Evard), her, the sea, the sun, dance, freedom, inspiration and, as a result, intoxicating, happy creativity. The characters’ images fit perfectly into the music and lyrics. Tenderness, passion and romance came together in perfect harmony. A beautiful summer story, filled with the bright, rich, warm, sunny voice of S. Pisarev, will still warm the hearts of cool autumn and cold winter evenings.
Film by Igor EVARD
Filmmaker Igor EVARD
Composer Igor EVARD
Production desig
1 view
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Igor EVARD Starlight
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Igor EVARD Marbella teaser 1
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Igor EVARD - Marbella (composer I. Evard, poems by )
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Igor Evard - Marbella (live, soloist Sergey Pisarev)
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Igor Eward “There are speeches“ - words by M. Lermontov, performed by I. Eward
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Igor Eward «Prayer» (live, words of M. Lermontov, performed by Evgenia Sotnikova, Sergey Chechetko)
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Igor Eward - Verlaine (live, G. Lorca, transl. by M. Samaev, soloists E. Sotnikova, S. Chechetko)
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Igor Eward “After so many years“ - words by M. Lermontov, performed by I. Eward (live)
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Соната для скрипки и ф-но в 3-х частях - муз. Игоря Еварда
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“Заговорилось о любви“ музыка Игоря Еварда, слова В. Ионова
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Time - муз. Игоря Еварда, сл. Антона Брежестовского, аранж. Ильи Меламеда, исп. Сергей Писарев
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Позитивный заряд от Ольги Калашниковой. Amistad
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Евард Игорь. Квартет №2. В составе: Новикова Юлия, Моисеева Мария, Дмитрий Дёмин, Тимур Колодяжный.