☸1000 mantras with pictures of Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche ☸ Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum ☸
You just need to run prayer wheel in any version (even electronic version on computer or cellphone screen). You can, but you don’t need to watch it later.
If this mantra will be repeated 100 times a day without interruption, the one who will do it, will be attractive to others and effortlessly will have food, possessions and everything necessary for life.
If someone will be repeat 1,000 or 10,000 times a day this mantra, this person will be able to influence on others with brilliance;
will become very charismatic; will have the power to positively influence others; and will attain power of blessing and spiritual power, which don’t know any obstacle.
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung
(Dialectic variation in Tibetan pronunciation)
Explanation of the Vajra Guru mantra
In response to Yeshe Tsogyal’s request, the Great Master responds.
“O daughter of good family, the Vajra Guru mantra is not just my single essence mantra, it is the very essence or life force of all the deities of the four classes of tantra, of all the nine yanas, and all of the 84,000 collections of dharma teachings. The essence of all of the buddhas of the three times, all of the gurus, yidams, dakas and dakinis, dharma protectors etc., the essence of all of these is contained and is complete within this mantra. How, you may ask, does this work? What is the reason for all these being complete with this mantra? Listen well and hold this in mind. Read it again and again. Write it out for the benefit of sentient beings, and teach it or demonstrate it to beings in the future.“
OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG OM AH HUNG are the sublime essence of the principles of enlightened body, speech, and mind VAJRA is the sublime essence of the indestructible family GURU is the sublime essence of the jewel family PEMA is the sublime essence of the lotus family SIDDHI is the sublime essence of the activity family HUNG is the sublime essence of the transcendent family
OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG OM is the perfect splendor and richness of sambhoghakaya, the manifest body of splendor AH is the total unchanging perfection of dharmakaya, the manifest body of absolute reality HUNG perfects the presence of Guru Padmasambhava as the nirmanakaya, the manifest body of emanation VAJRA perfects all the heruka deities of the mandalas GURU refers to the root and transmission gurus and the holders of intrinsic awareness PEMA perfects the assembly of dakas and dakinis SIDDHI is the life force of all the wealth deities and the guardians of the treasure teachings HUNG is the life force of the dharmapalas, the protective deities.
OM AH HUNG are the life force of the three classes of tantra
VAJRA is the life force of monastic discipline and the sutra class of teachings
GURU is the life force of abhidharma and kriya (action) yoga, the f irst level of
PEMA is the life force of the charya (conduct) tantra, the second class of tantra,
and yoga (joining) tantra, the third class of tantra
SIDDHI is the life force of the mahayoga and anuyoga classes of teachings
HUNG is the life force of the ati yoga, the Natural Great Perfection (Dzogchen)
OM AH HUNG purify obscurations arising from the three mental poisons --
desire-attachment, aversion, and ignorance
VAJRA purif ies obscurations which stem from anger
GURU purif ies obscurations which stem from pride
PEMA purif ies obscurations which stem from desire and attachment
SIDDHI purif ies obscurations which stem from envy and jealousy
HUNG in a general way purif ies obscurat ions which stem from all emotional
aff lictions
Through OM AH HUNG one attains the three kayas
Through VAJRA one realizes mirror -like pristine awareness
Through GURU one realizes the prist ine awareness of equalness
Through PEMA one realizes the prist ine awareness of discernment
Through SIDDHI one realizes the all-accomplishing pristine awareness
Through HUNG one realizes the prist ine awareness of basic space
OM AH HUNG accomplishes the six spiritual virtues
VAJRA accomplishes pacifying activity
GURU accomplishes enriching activity
PEMA accomplishes magnetizing activity
SIDDHI accomplishes enlightened activity in general
HUNG accomplishes wrathful enlightened activity
Taken from a more extensive teaching by Lama Tarchin Rinpoche.
Padmasambhava was a historical teacher who is said to have finally converted Tibet to Buddhism. He was a renowned scholar, meditator, and magician, and his mantra suggests his rich and diverse nature.
1 year ago 01:34:54 8
☸1000 mantras with pictures of Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche ☸ Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum ☸