「イレギュラーハンターX」Irregular Hunter X Playthrough - Part 4, Armor Armarge

Forgot to change the title. Oops. Don’t get too suprised by the amount of uploads I’ll be doing right now. I’m going through both X1s for so long I really want to move on to X2 and X3 and X1 Cyber Mission since I practically know nothing about these titles aside from that in X2 we’re using a building kit “Assemble Zero Yourself“, X3 has budism robits and Cyber Mission is a precursor to X DiVE. I will not be done with the remake anytime soon, though, thanks to VAVA Mode. This is actually one of the easiest stages in the game in my opinion. Next to Boomer Kuwanger and Sting Chameleao’s stage...s. And it’s even easier in the remake. First, because of the changed order of stages (since Leg Parts are now in Noumander’s stage), you can burn down Mole Borers really fast with the help of Fire Wave. Second, in one section with two recovery items, you don’t need to use Head Parts at all since there’s no rocks to break anymore. That’s wierd... Some stages here are much more difficult, but some are really easy... Moving on, we reach an armadillo with the most epic voice a mammal can have. He and Burnin’ Noumander are voiced by Vector the Crocodile’s seiyu, oh my God. Aaaaanyway, Armor Armarge is a very loyal hunter that stayed with Sigma because of his, well, loyalty, right. Looks like he’s not infected by the virus. Heck, a lot of Irregulars from the first game seem to be quite normal, just being on Sigma’s side because he was a leader of Irregular Hunters (and the only one too, since Dr. Cain died in the remake). Let’s rip the armor off this guy, zap him and dive underwater for our next target.
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