Lee Labrada Show Ep4 Hunter Labrada | IFBB Pro Olympian

My guest today is one of the worlds most successful professional bodybuilders. His name is Hunter Labrada. Hunter has placed in the top 8 in all three of his Mr Olympia competitions, and has placed as high as 4th. He’s a past winner of the 2021 IFBB Chicago Pro, and the 2020 IFBB Tampa Pro which was his rookie debut. Prior to his pro debut, Hunter won the NPC Nationals bodybuilding championship in 2018. Being one of the youngest pros in men’s open bodybuilding makes him a rising star with pro bodybuilding legend potential. He is near and dear to my heart, as many of you already know, he’...s my oldest son. So today we hope to give you guys an inside look at Hunter’s career, and our dynamic father-son relationship. Find Hunter at: Chapters 0:00 Preview 0:37 Hunter Introduction 2:20 Beginning Bodybuilding Interests 5:53
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