Hiromitsu Agatsuma ‟Shamisen Player” 20th LIVE  Fun /A Paper in the air

October 24, 2021 TOKYO Bunkamura ORCHARD HALL 20th anniversary special performance of solo debut Hiromitsu Agatsuma ‐Tradition and Innovation‐ Shamisen: Hiromitsu Agatsuma Special Support:Mani. DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHING Yuyoyuppe BAND:Pf. Takurou Iga、Ba. Hiromi Watanabe、Per. You Hatakeyama 【Music】 Fun / Agatsuma Original Music A Paper in the air / Agatsuma Original Music [Available] -Apple Music- �... -Spotify- 【Hiromitsu Agatsuma/ Shamisen player】 Hiromitsu Agatsuma has participated in the shamisen competition since he was a child and has won numerous awards. A leading player of traditional Japanese music, Agatsuma has been pursuing capabilities of “tradition” and “innovation” in the TsugaruShamisen, a Japanese string instrument, by collaborating with other genres of musi
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