Clemens Non Papa - Ave maris stella | The Marian Consort

The Marian Consort, directed by Rory McCleery TEXT Hail, star of the sea, Nurturing Mother of God, And ever Virgin Happy gate of Heaven Receiving that “Ave“ (hail) From the mouth of Gabriel, Establish us in peace, Transforming the name of “Eva“ (Eve) Loosen the chains of the guilty, Send forth light to the blind, Our evil do thou dispel, Entreat (for us) all good things. Show thyself to be a Mother: Through thee may he receive prayer Who, being born for us, Undertook to be thine own. O unique Virgin, Meek above all others, Make us, set free from (our) sins, Meek and chaste. Bestow a pure life, Prepare a safe way: That seeing Jesus, We may ever rejoice. Praise be to God the Father, To the Most High Christ (be) glory, To the Holy Spirit (Be) honour, to the Three equally. Amen. Filmed at St Augustine’s Kilburn in London web: fb: h
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