American Zoomers actively quote and support Osama bin Laden on TikTok

American Zoomers actively quote and support Osama bin Laden on TikTok Thousands of US TikTok users have responded positively to Osama bin Laden’s 2002 “Letter to America,“ which focused on the reasons for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Many made it clear that they did not completely disagree with the late al-Qaeda* leader’s claims that the attacks were in retaliation to the US helping to create and maintain Israel. The TikTokers posted videos urging those who haven’t read Bin Laden’s letter to do so as soon as possible, “ as it can change everyone’s life. The letter was published by The Guardian. They removed the publication on November 15, offering no explanation for the decision. * Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization banned in Russia and other states. Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Источник: Sputnik International
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