Breads with Dried tomatoes and olives

Levain : 25 g sourdough starter ( or use 1 teaspoon instant yeast) 50 g flour 50g of water Mix the ingredients in a bowl and leave it with the lid closed until it reaches double in size. Dough ingredients: 500 g flour 130 g milk 25g sugar 10g of salt 200 g of water And all the levain Put all the ingredients for the dough into the kneading bowl and knead about 10 minutes. Let it dough rest and then place it on the counter and roll out the dough by holding the edges. At this stage, sprinkle the ingredients you want, dried tomatoes, olives, walnuts, peppers, on each layer. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl with a lid and leave it at room temperature for fermentation. Place the fermented dough on the counter and divide it into balls of the desired size, shape them into round balls and place them on a tray. Leave it for fermentation on the tray. Score them with knife . Preheat your oven at 200 Celcius. Bake your breads at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes .
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