Democratic Convention Warms Up (1964)

Atlantic City, Washington, United States of America Title. VS. Outside the convention hall in Atlantic City large model of the Democratic Donkey is paraded in front of float with . Bandwagon written on it. VS. People with banners and floats that give President Johnson big support. MS. Interior Secretary Udall and Senator Mike Mansfield arriving at airport. MS. Senator Hubert Humphrey arriving. CU. Senator Eugene McCarthy arriving. GV. In convention hall of the banners for . being waved about. CU. Senator John O. Pastore speaking . on the nine months of the new President. He says that they were nine miracle months and never in such a short time has so much been accomplished that is good and great for the country. The vision of President Kennedy lives on in the character, the capability and the courage of his team-mate of his choice that God blessed America when President Kennedy said “I need you Lyndon Johnson“ four years before and on November 3rd the American people will echo “We need you
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