Farrenc: Piano Trios, Cello Sonata

Farrenc: Piano Trios and Cello Sonata The case for Louise Farrenc no longer requires special pleading: she has emerged in the last decade as a major figure among French composers of the early-Romantic era, whose neglect in previous eras can only be understood in the context of her gender. Both live performances and recordings have revealed. Composer: Louise Farrenc Artists: Sergey Galaktionov – violin, Amedeo Cicchese – cello, Linda Di Carlo – piano. 🎵 Purchase or streaming (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music): 💎 More Information: 🎬🎮 These tracks are available for sync licensing in videos, films, tv-shows, games, advertising and more. For more information and to request a license go to: This new re
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