PVT Hybrid Collector for combined production of electrical and thermal energy

Center for Plasma Technlogy Plasma doo Skopje Solar thermal absorber: Camel Solar PV module: PiKCell Group Assembled at: Camel Solar Researched and developed by: Center for Plasma Technologies Supported by: Fund for Innovation and Technology Development @ ; cameloffice@ 389 2 260 2029 PVT collectors provide both electrical and thermal energy. Electrical power is around 20% more than standard PV panel plus 3 to 4 times more thermal power compare with electrical power from PV standard module. The greater part of the absorbed solar radiation by photovoltaic is converted into heat (at about 70% ‐ 80%), small part reflected and the rest into electricity. As result of that cell temperature of PV is increasing. This effect reduces PV electrical efficiency. In façade or inclined roof installations on buildings, the thermal losses are reduced due to the thermal protection
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