Today’s America Through the Lens of Kabbalah

What is the state of America today? Is the American Dream still alive and achievable? Also, where does democracy stand today? Is there any other form of government or social system that we haven’t tried yet? Do we inevitably need suffering to change ourselves? What are the root cause of humanity’s perpetual problems and crisis situations? What can we do with the explosive paradox of our inherent nature, unique individuality, and the fact that we are all closed in a single system? What are we supposed to do with our freedom to act on our own? What is the benefit of building different connections between us? What do we gain by changing our perception of our mutual connections? What is the role of suffering people go through? Can we liberate ourselves from suffering? Gianni takes us through an examination of the state of America today through these fundamental questions and ultimately leads to one big question that could resolve America’s problems if the true answer is found. — ►Subscribe to the Kabbalahin
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