大和楽 Daiwagaku (Jin Nyodo) | Jinashi Shakuhachi 尺八 | Japanese Bamboo Flute Music
Dai Wagaku Jin Nyodo | Jinashi Shakuhachi 尺八 | Bamboo Flute Music
Jin Nyodo / Yodo Kurahashi Notations
Performed on a wide bore Myoan style 1.8 Jinashi (Zentaku) Shakuhachi 尺八 handcrafted by Bambooway
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This is a piece of genre Modern Honkyoku. Also Known As : Jin Nyodo Shokyoku Daiwagaku, Yamato Gaku (by Koga). This piece was composed for Shakuhachi by Jin Nyodo
This piece is very short, about four minutes in length. It’s the greatest piece of Jin Nyodo, the teacher of Kurahashi Yodo, who, in turn, taught Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin. Composed in 1941, or Showa 16, this piece is one of the few pieces from this century to have been accepted into the honkyoku repertoire.
It is the first honkyoku taught to students in the Jin Nyodo stream, and provides an excellent foundation, as all the basic sounds are utilized. As most “first“ pieces, it is also quite difficult; to properly master the kyosui (empty breathing) t
4 years ago 00:03:23 5
大和楽 Daiwagaku (Jin Nyodo) | Jinashi Shakuhachi 尺八 | Japanese Bamboo Flute Music
4 years ago 00:02:45 1
Daiwagaku performed by Steven Taizen Casano.
10 years ago 00:04:43 67
Андрей Жилин - Музыка высшей гармонии (Daiwagaku – 大和楽)