Deadwind Pass - Music & Ambience (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade)
Not exactly from Vanilla, but still a Classic: from the Burning Crusade. Because in WoW Vanilla, this zone was not finished and there was nothing to do in it. Dear viewer, please enjoy 30 minutes of music & ambience from Deadwind Pass. Main theme for this area is Forest Evil, composed by Jason Hayes.
Deadwind Pass is a contested zone located in central Azeroth, joining the southeastern reaches of the Kingdom of Stormwind (via Duskwood) from the east to the Swamp of Sorrows (and, eventually, the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands) from the west. It was, a score of years ago, considered a part of the Redridge Mountains.
The Ivory Tower of Karazhan, once the dark wizard Medivh’s seat of power, stands in the center of this jagged region and leaks evil magic into the land. The trees are petrified and leafless, and a terrible wind keens through the canyon. Ogres, demons and undead roam the interior. Deadwind Pass connects Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows, and travelers are advised to move quickly — whispers tell that a new force has claimed the Ivory Tower, and that the ogres and demons are under its sway.
The fates of many people in Azeroth and the surrounding continents were forged here. Medivh made his home here and planned the Dark Portal’s creation and opening. His evil is felt in this region more strongly than anywhere else, the land corrupted with the foul taint of his magic. Currently, the pass has little significance. It is rumored that the attacking monsters do not kill those they capture, but take them back to the tower. The tower’s builders have been lost to time, but surely they were great and terrible people to have built such a foreboding and yet magnificent structure. Medivh was sought out and killed during the First War, and the tower has since been apparently abandoned, though unknown dangers yet lurk within.
Around the time of the Burning Legion’s third invasion, Deadwind Pass appears mostly devoid of life. Many spectres, ghosts, wildlife and even the nearby ogre clan have been cleared away by adventurers from years past. The Violet Eye mages also seem to be gone. Right after the Battle for the Broken Shore, Dalaran was hovering over Deadwind Pass and more particularly Karazhan. The entire city had been moved by a giant Blink spell, but not before Khadgar activated the defense mechanisms of Karazhan to repel the invading demons. However, the Legion was successful in taking control of the tower’s exterior and town ruins around it, and the Violet Eye has returned to counter the demonic threat under the orders of Khadgar. The Legion intends to use the tower as a tether to other Legion worlds in order to open a second front in the Eastern Kingdoms, as Karazhan is built upon a ley line nexus.
The original Deadwind Pass World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade music, always marked in the video, you can hear it first at:
00:12 Forest Evil Day 1
01:14 Forest Evil Day 2
02:22 Forest Evil Day 3
03:28 Volcanic Night 2
04:29 Volcanic Day 2
06:00 Volcanic Day 1
10:00 Volcanic Night 1
11:21 Forest Evil Night 1
12:22 Forest Evil Night 2
13:32 Forest Evil Night 3
Forest Evil and Volcanic music is composed by Jason Hayes.
The music is accompanied by ambience sound captured in-game from various parts of Deadwind Pass.
Main areas from Deadwind Pass World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade:
00:12 Walk to Karazhan (part 1, Deadman’s Crossing)
03:33 Walk to Karazhan (part 2, The Vice (Grosh’gok Compound))
04:58 The Vice (Grosh’gok Compound)
11:24 Walk to Karazhan (part 3)
16:15 Morgan’s Plot & Forgotten Crypt
17:30 The Master’s Cellar
23:45 Karazhan
26:15 Deadwind Ravine
28:45 Ariden’s Camp (Outro: 29:00 - Don’t click!)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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