Maurice U. - nightmare

A sample from the first film I did during film school in Paris. The story is inspired by the life of French painter Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955), and his conflicted relationship to the mother Suzanne Valadon. It was shot in spring 2005, on 35mm in various locations in Paris, including the artist’s own neightbourhood. We also built a set in a studio in Ivry-Sur-Seine at the outskirts of the city. --- My themes vary from straight-forward family/friendship-oriented dramas on topics like incest or mental illness, to more surreal and abstract ideas. I have a soft spot for period pieces and films that dare to use the visual language in a non-traditional way. I put a lot of effort into developing the color palette of my work, both in lighting and in costumes/set design. My films were shot on locations in Paris, Normandy and Oslo, all on either 35mm or Super16.
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