Kamran Djam Annual Lecture at SOAS: Nizâmî’s Brides of the Seven Climes
“Nizâmî’s Brides of the Seven Climes“ was the second Kamran Djam Annual Lecture of 2015, it was given by Michael Barry (Princeton University) on 3rd February 2015 at the Centre for Iranian Studies, London Middle East Institute, SOAS, University of London.
The tales told by King Bahrâm’s seven brides follow each other in a dizzying succession of enchanted adventures drawing upon Zoroastrian and Manichaean and Indian and even Classical Greek lore - many corresponding to the po
9 years ago 01:22:46 4
Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2016, Part 2, SOAS University of London
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Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2016, Part 1, SOAS University of London
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Kamran Djam 2012 Annual Lecture at SOAS: The Exilic Mode in Persian Literature part 2
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Kamran Djam 2012 Annual Lecture at SOAS: The Exilic Mode in Persian Literature part 1
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Kamran Djam Annual Lecture at SOAS: Nizâmî’s Brides of the Seven Climes
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Kamran Djam Annual Lecture at SOAS: Nizâmî: Mirror of the Unseen World
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Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2013, The Perils of Persian Princesses, Lecture 2 at SOAS
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Kamran Djam Annual Lecture 2013, The Perils of Persian Princesses, Lecture 1 at SOAS